Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dangerous Food (FUGU)

Dangerous Food (FUGU)I imagine that eating fugu is like gambling with death. Fugu is one of the most poisonous fish and even deadly. If you eat this food then the risk is dead, Fugu is one of the special foods in Japan. In fact, this fish eggs is known as a very valuable food. This fish has ability to inflate its body, and in Western Japan, Fugu is called Fuku which means "blow" or "happiness."

There's an old quotes in Japan that said "I want to eat Fugu, but I do not want to die." Toxin in this fish is very dangerous, that can cause sudden death, thus only licensed chefs who can prepare the food. Getting licensed chef is difficult; you must have the ability and specific knowledge of Fugu because each type of Fugu has different toxic. Furthermore, thanks to tight regulations, the number of deaths victims can be reduced. Hmmmm, I think now I want to eat this food.

Hmmm... It looks yummy.... :D

Dangerous Food (FUGU)
Dangerous Food (FUGU)
Dangerous Food (FUGU)

Funny Fake Brand

This brand is worldwide famous. But in some countries, they imitate this brand name with almost similar name and logos, so be careful if you buy these products, always take attention on its name and quality. Here are some funny pics of them, please enjoy and LoL at funny fake brand :D

SONY or SQNY ???
Funny Fake Brand SONY or SQNY

Nokia or Nokla ?
Funny Fake Brand Nokia or Nokla ?

Nike, Naik or Hike ?
Funny Fake Brand Nike, Naik or Hike ?

D&C, Docha and Cabanov ?
Funny Fake Brand D&C, Docha and Cabanov ?

Adidas or Abcids ?
Funny Fake Brand Adidas or Abcids

Monday, October 26, 2009

Robot Chef In Japan

A ramen noodle restaurant in Nagoya, Japan, does not use humans as a chef. However, the owner of the restaurant employs two robot chef as a noodle chef at his restaurant. Both of the yellow robots cooperate with each other, starting from boiling noodles, pouring the soup into bowls, and adding toppings. They perform the process in one minute 40 seconds per cup. While the owner, Kenji Nagoya, who is also a robot manufacturer, reveals that there are some advantages of using robots as a chef, including the accuracy of time when the noodles boil, reliable movement when adding toppings, and mix consistency dishes.
Besides providing the best food and cook on a reliable speed, both robots also bring entertainment to the people in the restaurant. Both robots can act a performance of rolling the plate on top and fight with swords and shields.
Robot Chef

Dog That Can Glow in the Dark

Dog That Can Glow in the Dark. South Korean scientists successfully create a dog that can be turned red with cloning techniques. These findings open the way research in humans. Four beagle puppies named Ruppy - Ruby Puppy - have fluorescent protein that can be turned red under ultraviolet light. Even during the daytime their skin and claws also looked pink.

Ruppy - Ruby Puppy - Dog That Can Glow in the Dark

Scientists say the creation of a puppy shows the possibility of transplanting of genes associated with disease in humans for research purposes. "They were the first transgenic dog in the world," said Professor Lee Byeong-Chun who led the team at Seoul National University (SNU).
There are 224 diseases in dogs that also infect humans, so this research can swap genes in dogs associated with human disease. Six female beagles’ dogs with fluorescent protein genes were born in December 2007. But two of them died.
Ruppy - Ruby Puppy - Dog That Can Glow in the Dark

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gibson Is A Giant Dog "Great White Dane"

Gibson The Biggest Dog - Great White Dane
Gibson is a very big dog. He is the type of Great Dane. In the age of 7 years, he has a 7 feet height and weight 140 pounds. Can you imagine that he could smash you down to the ground, when he gets exited? But according to the owner of Sandy Hall, Gibson is a good dog and never hurt anyone. Gibson became famous when he was awarded the prize as the world's tallest dog by Guinness in 2004. Then he became a star guest at the Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Show.

But unfortunately, the doctors diagnose that Gibson suffered of osteosarcoma and had to do some treatment that made his front legs to be amputated. Gibson condition after amputation had improved, but he had to undergo several more treatments to remove residual traces of cancer in his body.
Gibson the biggest Dog - Great White Dane

Twinkle Dwivedi - Can Bleed Spontaneously From the Pores of The Skin, Without Being Cut / Scratched at All

Twinkle Dwivedi - On the age of 13 years, a girl should be playing happily with her friends. But a pretty girl in India, shunned by her friends, because she has a rarity. Dwivedi, who has three sisters, lived with his family in the city of Lucknow, the Almbagh, Uttra Pradesh state, India. She can bleed spontaneously from the pores of the skin, without being cut or scratched at all. Previously, she was a normal girl, but the incident in July 2007 changed everything. Suddenly, blood flowed from her mouth. The doctor said that it was nothing dangerous, but a few weeks later, she began to bleed as much as 5 to 20 times a day from pores at the bottom of the hair, nose, eyes, and feet. After that she had to do blood transfusions every time the blood flowing out of her body.

Twinkle Dwivedi

Can you imagine this girl suffering? "Scary and chaotic. My school shirt turns red. No one would come near me or play with me. I used to cry every time it happens. But now I can only try to be calm" Dwivedi said.
Doctors in India can not find the disease suffered by this girl. They said, Dwivedi has dilute blood and has a red color like a young wine, but they can not find a drug to make the blood coagulate. However, there is hope after a British hematology consultant said there is a cure for the disease. Dr. Drew Provan, from Barts Hospital in London, said this girl may suffer of Von Willebrand disease type II. It’s a reduction of a protein called Von Willebrand factor which is important during the early stages of clotting. I really hope Dwivedi has been cure right now.

The Real Blue People from Kentucky USA

Have you ever heard the myth about the "Blue People"? Legend of the blue man occurred in various parts of the world. In Egypt, the ancient Egyptian God who named Ammon, often depicted in blue. In India, the God Krishna is described as "handsome young man with dark skin and shining like overcast sky (dark blue)". While the God Vishnu is described as blue-skinned and has 4 arms. Another story comes from Norway. A small island called Formork Oy whose residents are mostly fishermen, have a record of the legend of the blue man. When they were sailing, they see a strange dark boat. People in that boat were tall, wearing bright clothes, and have bluish skin color. The fishermen called them as Delvar Nar. In the Cherokee Indian legends, before they occupied the territory, their area once inhabited by blue-skinned humans. The Cherokee called them as "man moon".

Blue People - Blue Man from Kentucky USA

Enough about the legend, because the blue people are real. Starting from the French immigrants Martin Fugate, he moved to Kentucky in 1820. Martin married an American woman named Elizabeth Smith. They have 7 children, 4 of which are blue-skinned. Their offspring marry their close relatives. Sometimes they married first cousins or people who live closest to them, such as the Combses, Smiths, Ritchies, and Stacys. All of them are live in isolation from the world. So it was natural that a boy married the girl next door, even if she had the same last name.
They became the world's attention, when in the 1980s, the 9th generation of the family Fugates gave birth to a son named Benjy. When Benjy was born blue and made panic of medical team. After done various tests, the doctors found no disease in the baby. The only clue is when Benjy's grandmother said "Have you ever heard of the blue Fugates of Troublesome Creek? My grandmother Luna on my dad's side was a blue Fugate. It was real bad in her”.
The Real Blue People
Apparently , the Fugates’s descent born with the condition of methemoglobinemia. The American Heritage ® Medical Dictionary states methemoglobin is "a brownish-red crystalline organic compound formed in the blood when the hemoglobin is oxidated either by decomposition of the blood or by the action of various oxidizing drugs or toxic agents. It contains iron in the ferric state and can not function as an oxygen carrier. "Because the circulating blood is less oxygenated those with the disorder appear various shades of blue, depending on how seriously they are affected. But with medical treatment, methemoglobin can be cured. The blue dye (methylene blue ) have to be injected into the blue people clan, so they would revert to a natural skin tone. The doctors claim that in 1982 only two of three family members had methemoglobin. And they’ve been sorted by now.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Faith - The Inspirational Two Legged Dog

Faith - Amazing Two Legged DogThis amazing two-legged dog is called FAITH. Faith was rescued by a family in January of 2003. Faith’s mother tried to end her baby life because she instinctively knew that Faith would not survive. At first discovered, Faith in a state of weak, thin, stunted, and nearly died. Faith did not like to chew like another puppy. Every time the owner throws a toy to see Faith reaction, Faith only stared. One day the owner back from taking the laundry and accidentally dropped a sock and Faith immediately bite it and brought to the cage. So, the owner tried to attract Faith attention by taking Faith’s socks so Faith would take it back. "Since then Faith always tried to take back the socks off me and never gave up. Faith could "stand up" and take the sock back. This is our beginning her training"

Although Faith has disability, the owner taught him to stand, jump, and even walk with both legs like a human. In the park, Faith will chase geese, running, jumping, and sniffing like any other normal dog.
Faith, the amazing two legged dog became famous around the world after invited to attend in a few talk shows and news programs like The Oprah Winfrey Show and Ripley's Believe it or Not. Now Faith travelling around the world with Jude Strongfellow (Faith’s owner) to show the world that "Any creature can have a noble soul without having a perfect body."
Faith - The Inspirational Two Legged Dog

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creative And Unique Bed Design

Bed is the perfect place to rest and sleep. You might have your own bed, but these beds have very unique and creative design. Do you want to have a bed that is different with other people? You may see these creative and unique beds design.

Fairy Tale Bed
This is a fairy tale come true. Your daughter can sleep in the horse-drawn carriage like a princess :D
Creative And Unique Bed Design - Fairy Tale Bed

Quantum Sleeper
Creative And Unique Bed Design - Quantum Sleeper

The Scoop
The Scoop - Creative And Unique Bed Design

Molecular Bed
Creative And Unique Bed Design - Molecular Bed

Hamburger Bed
Creative And Unique Bed Design - Hamburger Bed

Nap Shell
Creative And Unique Bed Design - Nap Shell

With this bed, you'll never fall again from your bed :D
Creative And Unique Bed Design

The rocking bed
Creative And Unique Bed Design - The rocking bed

Can you sleep here?
Creative And Unique Bed Design

Creative And Unique Bed Design

Tuk-tuk Driver - Insane Driver

Tuk-tuk driver was apparently burdened by a merchant to carry the entire coconut into a market in Mysore, Karnataka India. Tuk-tuk drivers are not concerned with transportation safety that exceeds that capacity.

In fact, coconut shell, which almost covered the tuk-tuk looks as almost slipped and disturb other drivers. This is an insane driver.
Tuk-tuk Driver Mysore Karnataka India - Insane Driver

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jessica Cox - Armless Girl Gets A Pilot License

Jessica Cox, armless girl gets a pilot license. She is very amazing girl. She was born without arms but she can be a pilot and fly around the world with her feet. She is a daughter of William Cox (music teacher retirement) and Inez Cox (a nurse). They treat Jessica the same like other children, so she never feel inferior. Her mother taught her to use her feet to do anything, so since she was a child she could do her need herself.

Jessica Cox - Armless Girl Gets A Pilot License

She become active girl, in three years old, Jessica Cox took gymnastics class, then three years later she took dancing and swimming class. In age ten, she took taekwondo class and achieved two black belts. Her big dream is become a pilot. Firstly, she felt afraid, but after a trial she became challenged to learn to fly with a plane. The plane she is flying is called an Ercoupe and it is one of the few airplanes to be made and certified without pedals. Without rudder pedals Jessica is free to use her feet as hands.
There are three instructors who trained her; they said no doubt that Jessica can fly a plane as good as real pilot. In 2008, Jessica Cox got the fly license from Able Flight, a flight training company in North Carolina that helps people with disabilities to learn to fly a plane. It is proof of certification for Jessica Cox for her ability to fly a light sport aircraft to a height of 10 thousand feet.

Jessica Cox - amazing girl without arms
Jessica Cox - Armless Girl

A Man Who Never Taking A Bath For 35 Years - Kailash Kalau Singh

This is a man who never taking a bath for 35 years - Kailash "Kalau" Singh. Various methods will be done to achieve a person’s desire. A man in India had not bathed since the last 35 years in order to get a boy. This 63 year old man named Kailash "Kalau" Singh. He already has 7 daughters but he insists to get a sun. He replace shower and brush his teeth with a "fire bath" every day.

Kailash Singh stood on one foot beside the campfire, smoking, and praying to the god Shiva. He said that it’s like using water for bathing and bathroom fire can kill germs and infection in the body. Most of the Indians want a sun who will be relied upon to make a living. While girls are often regarded as burden.
Kailash Kalau Singh - A Man Who Never Taking A Bath For 35 Years

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sand People - Doing Their Daily Activities On The Sand

Sand People - Doing Their Daily Activities On The Sand. Sand became an eternal friend to people in the Legung Village, Sumenep, Madura- Indonesia. They perform their daily activities on the sand, ranging from sleeping, eating, sitting, and even childbirth. People who have mattress in that village are very rarely, because they prefer to sleep on the sand.

The village is inhabited by about 900 household; they believe that sleeping on the sand can cure various diseases such as rheumatism, leprosy, itch, and treatment of stroke. Madura is one of island in Indonesia that has hot air temperature, so by doing activities on the sand, their bodies will feel much cooler, because the sand can also absorb heat. This custom has been done since ancient ancestors, so no wonder they are called sand people.
Sand People - Doing Their Daily Activities On The Sand

The Smallest Horse In The World - Thumbelina

Thumbelina is the smallest horse in the world. This cute horse is only 17 inches long and weight only 60 pounds. Thumbelina has been officially recognized as the world's smallest horse. He is expected to live until 17 years because of its size; the normal horse lived to 35 years.

Look, how small Thumbelina is
The Smallest Horse In The World - Thumbelina
The Smallest Horse In The World - Thumbelina

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Unique & Creative Toilet / Closet Design Around The World

Here are pictures of unique and creative toilet / closet design from around the world, some of them are funny and LoL :D
If you are a toilet designer maybe these pictures can inspired you :)

Take a pee in front of beautiful Japanese cartoon
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Take a .... in front of beautiful ladies
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Big mouth on the toilet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Toilet garden
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Robot toilet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

It looks like the closet want to eat you ass
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Scary closet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Toilet for sea lovers
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Aquarium closet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Every Boss has to use this closet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Comfortable closet like you sit on your couch
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Closet for guitar’s addict
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Leopard’s closet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Women’s toilet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Imagine you can practice golf on the toilet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World

Rainbow closet
Unique & Creative Toilet - Closet Design Around The World